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Re: actively notifying users of removed packages


Olivier Berger schrieb:
> FYI, according to
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=464021 I suppose that
> users having subscribed to packages in the PTS should now be notified of
> such removals (which used not to be the case, and worried us a great
> deal some weeks ago ;)

this suggests, that a user should subscribe to every package he or she is using.
That sound a little impracticable to me considering the number of installed
packages on an average desktop system. Especially if someone used tasksel.

So I'd prefer what Nico has suggested: subscribing to »secure-testing-announce«.
But then it would also be nice to have that like Karl suggested it. From the
point of an user that would be the easiest way and integrate wonderfully into
the update process. But then stable is what is worked for and if someone uses
testing/unstable he/she should watch for herself or himself. So there remains
only one question (for me): how is this dealt with on a dist-upgrade? Is ensured
that every removed package results in some kind of notification? I believe that
is not so (remembering the removal of ipac-ng).

Kind regards,


Kai Wasserbäch (Kai Wasserbaech)

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