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Bug#457839: general: Many man pages display shell quotes ` and ' wrong in Unicode environment

On Wed, 2007-12-26 at 14:54 +0200, Teemu Likonen wrote:

> In Unix/Linux shells the Ascii apostrophe (') is used as single
> quotation mark. The grave accent (`) is used as command substitution
> mark. In many man pages these are displayed wrong because they have
> different meaning in groff code.

I used to come across this intermittently - usually when trying to copy
and paste examples from a manpage. However, the situation appears solved
in a Unicode environment:

This perldoc code:
Only print the list, do not call 'sudo dpkg -P'
becomes this manpage content:
\&Only print the list, do not call \(aqsudo dpkg \-P\(aq
which displays as:
Only print the list, do not call 'sudo dpkg -P'

Changing the original code to:
Only print the list, do not call `sudo dpkg -P`
becomes this manpage content:
\&Only print the list, do not call `sudo dpkg \-P`
which displays as:
Only print the list, do not call ‘sudo dpkg -P‘

So it may be more useful to investigate the manpage generator packages
rather than a bug against the 'general' metapackage. If I'm following
this right, you would seek that pod2man retains the existing behaviour
for ' (first example) and changes the handling of ` from ` to \ga
(second example)?

(BTW the actual code above comes from the 'emprunecross' manpage for
emdebian-tools, available via pod2html here:
and in the emdebian-tools package (Emdebian version).

Maybe other manpages just haven't been updated - in which case this bug
should identify at least some of those manpages. I couldn't find other
examples in my upstream manpages, apart from one other pod2man manpage
(meaning that most perl package man pages will be affected as pod2man is
the default for most lib*-perl packages).


Neil Williams

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