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Re: Bug#433812: ITP: pssh -- Parallel versions of the OpenSSH tools

Nico Golde wrote:
> Do we need package descriptions anybody can understand even 
> without knowing anything about the topic or what?

Compare the description for pssh as posted with the descriptions for
what I assume are similar tools, clusterssh and dsh. 

Description: administer multiple ssh or rsh shells simultaneously
 ClusterSSH allows you to control multiple ssh or rsh sessions from a
 single input window.  You can also configure clusters of machines for
 easy invocation and interact with individual terminal windows during a

Description: dancer's shell, or distributed shell
 Executes specified command on a group of computers using remote shell
 methods such as rsh or ssh.
 dsh can parallelise job submission using several algorithms, such as using
 fan-out method or opening as much connections as possible, or
 using a window of connections at one time.
 It also supports "interactive mode" for interactive maintenance of
 remote hosts.
 This tool is handy for administration of PC clusters, and multiple hosts.

see shy jo

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