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Re: Enter Postpone

Frans Pop <elendil@planet.nl> wrote:

> To be honest, this is exactly an example where I would *NOT* want to see 
> this implemented.
> A major downside of the mechanism supported by this package is that there 
> is absolutely no check is any errors occur during the running of these 
> postponed scripts!

That's exactly the reason why we never did that ourselves.  

> For all other potential use cases, maintainers should wait for the 
> implementation of triggers in dpkg [2], which is the only correct way to 
> deal with this issue.


Regards, Frank

> [1] And that this is not purely theoretical can be shown with the recent 
> RC bugs (#419020 and friends) against jadetex, which caused failure in 
> the postinst for all texlive packages which call such scripts.

Well, this one is actually a bad example, because it wouldn't happen if
the thing was postponed, it's kind of a timing issue.  But there are
other valid examples of failed TeX commands (by the dozen in the BTS). 

Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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