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Re: Getting Debian to use less power?

[Daniel Baumann]
> Just wondering... Why do you upload packages you don't want to maintain
> afterwards? I remember the same with usplash.

Because I want/need the packages and see no use in doing the packaging
privately when I can make it available for all of Debian.  One thing
is getting it into Debian and ready to use, another is long term

> Don't you think that if you would have waited a few days, or maybe
> even fill an RFP, that someone other would have stepped up to
> maintain it? If you've already created a package, attaching an URL
> to the RFP helps also.

Well, my experience is that rarely do the RFP result in anyone
stepping up, and as I need the package and did the work already, I saw
no use in not making it available from the Debian archive.

Petter Reinholdtsen

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