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Re: On maintainers not responding to bugs

On Monday 26 February 2007, Don Armstrong wrote:
> The goal appears to be to have bugs responded to instantly by
> maintainers and fixed rapidly. 

No, very wrong:
- bugs don't need instant response, they need reasonably timely response
  (say within 2 weeks on average)
- BUT, _if_ no triage on the bug is gonna be forthcoming any time soon, I
  think it's reasonable to at least tell the submitter so, and give some
  indication as to why. This doesn't have to be more then a few lines (and
  as a maintainers todo is constant on any given moment it, he can sent the 
  same few lines to all his up-till-now ignored bugs).

Would it be hard to add functionallity to the BTS that e-mails the 
maintainer once every week with a list of bugs for his packages that have 
been unanswered for 2 weeks or more?

If such a mail had the reply-to set to include all those bugs, the 
maintainer would only have to hit reply and compose a short mail indicating 
why bug handling doesn't have priority ATM (or that he needs help cause he 
can't keep up with the influx of bugs).

I think composing 1 email each week or so wouldn't be overly much to ask of 
maintainers, and it would solve the problem nicely IMO
Cheers, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis)

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