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Re: How can the OS autodetect that a user is a newbie and offer help?

+++ Roberto C. Sanchez [17/10/06 20:27 -0400]:

IIRC, the majority of the "I ended up at a text prompt, what do I do
now?" questions we see on d-u are not X configuration problems.  They
are newbies who pick all the defaults and up without X on their systems

Yes.  And this type of problem doesn't stop with X, its also, "how do I get
my sound card working".  Both of which would be solved using tasksel.
However, after a user ignores tasksel the first time, they never know how to
get back there.

It seems like tasksel is both under utilized and under advertised.  We need
to figure out how to get more people to know about it, and we need more
tasks.  Why don't we have a "lamp-server" task?  or a xfce-desktop task?

I think the idea of adding a "helpme" script which is advertised somewhere
like motd or /etc/issue or root's .bashrc for interactive shells is one that
should be explored.  I'd be happy to help work on this.


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