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Re: cdrtools

Le mercredi 12 juillet 2006 à 01:02 +0100, Matthew Garrett a écrit :
> Now, this can quite easily be worked around by Joerg agreeing that all 
> of the software in the cdrecord tarball can be treated under the terms 
> of the CDDL (assuming that he has the right to do so, of course - any 
> significant patches that have been contributed by people under the terms 
> of the GPL would have to be rewritten or permission granted by the 
> authors). Then it just ends up being a "Is CDDLed material acceptable 
> for Debian?" argument, which is much more straightforward but not really 
> suited for the debian-devel mailing list.

As long as he keeps the "you cannot change this part of the code" blurb,
the most problematic issue remains. The GFDL GR made it very clear that
we won't accept invariant sections, and this is even more true for code.
This is a fundamental disagreement between Joerg Schilling and the
project, and unless he removes that blurb there is no way recent
cdrecord versions can be packaged in main.
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           josselin.mouette@ens-lyon.org
`. `'                        joss@debian.org
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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