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Poor quality of multipath-tools


I'm quite concerned about the poor quality of multipath-tools.  This is
an absolutely vital application for many, required to even get a machine
to *boot*.

There are a lot of outstanding bugs:

* Fails to run kpartx when it should.  This would have been detectable
  with a trivial amount of testing.  #376161

* Wrong path to scsi_id.  #358985, 99 days old.

* PID file handling is broken.  #294066, 1y 145d old, patch available.

* Doesn't integrate into *ANY* initrd system.  Means that systems that
  need multipath can't even *BOOT*.  initrd patch available for 1y 193d.

I will be packaging up my own multipath-tools-initramfs package so that
the last problem can at least be solved for those of us that need to be
able to boot a multipath system.

I am gravely concerned, though, about the lack of attention this package
is receiving.  Does anyone intend to give it some TLC anytime soon?

For those that have a fibre channel setup where multipath-tools is
required, this is probably one of the most critical packages on the


-- John

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