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Re: Another weird tar issue (100 character filenames)

Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> writes:

> I just built new xml-security-c packages to fix the current FTBFS bug, and
> lintian returned the following error message:
> E: libxml-security-c-doc: deb-created-with-broken-tar file: /usr/share/doc/libxml-security-c-doc/c/apiDocs/winutils_2XSECBinHTTPURIInputStream_8hpp-source.html
> N:
> N:   The binary package was created with a broken version of tar. Some
> N:   versions of tar contain a bug, which make the resulting .deb broken.
> N:   On unpack, some filenames are going to be corrupted.
> N:   
> N:   This package was build with such a version of tar, and the mentioned
> N:   filename is corrupted. Refer to Debian bug #230910 for more
> N:   information, or simply update your tar-version and rebuild.
> (along with several other files).  These filenames are indeed exactly 100
> characters long, as mentioned in the referenced bug.  The bug, however,
> indicates that this may not have really been a bug in tar but rather was a
> bug in dpkg with its inability to handle filenames that were exactly 100
> characters (apparently one isn't supposed to nul-terminate in that
> case).

It sounds like a bug that dpkg is using the old v7 tar format which
had that 99 char limitation.s

Why can't dpkg use the newer ustar or pax formats?

Roger Leigh
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