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Re: Package Selection for Debian Live

On 5/30/06, Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net> wrote:
Nico Golde wrote:
> Would be useful if you could provide the package lists for
> the two images so we can see whats already included and send
> you patches.

The small one contains the standard system only, means, packages which
have Priority: standard and nothing more. That's about 80MB (the image

The other ones do contains:

kde kdm x-window-system-core

gnome-desktop-environment gdm-themes gnome-cups-manager
gnome-themes-extras rhythmbox synaptic gnome-screensaver gdm

xfce4 gdm x-window-system-core

Hi Daniel,

I would like to suggest that you add tasks in tasksel using the
current ones as a start point (eg: gnome-desktop), writing fo example:
live-gnome-desktop. I've no idea how you're building the images, could
you explain to us ? Btw, use tasksel to extract and "install" the
packages there sounds sane. I'm CCing joeyh, because that would be
good read what's his opinion about this.

-- stratus

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