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Re: screenshot with package description

Em Qua, 2006-04-26 às 18:49 +0200, Gonéri Le Bouder escreveu:
> On graphic software websites, in general the most visited page is the one with 
> the screenshots because it give a good overview of the software.
> In general a screenshot is better that the limited description provided by the 
> Debian control file.

The idea is not bad at all... I would be glad in helping to populate a
database with images...

I'd suggest you setting up a server to host logos (promotional banner)
and screenshots using the debian package as the key. That would be a
good test-bed for your idea... 

As soon as you have a relevant database in a reliable server I think
synaptic maintainers will be glad to accept a patch that shows this
image in the package description.

But there are some questions:
1) Would the images be available per source package or per binary
2) There is cleanly 2 types of images: promotional (logos, banners etc)
and screenshots. Would you accept both? how many of them?
3) How would synaptic (for instance) know which packages have which
images? I suppose you would need a Packages-like file with this
information... (This will not be incorporated in the main Packages
file... not before this idea being proved as possible and usefull)...


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