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Re: Advices for an su transition

On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 11:26:20PM +0100, Nicolas Fran?ois wrote:
> IIRC people from debian-audit have some tools to perform such grep on the
> source package with some heuristics to extract and patch the sources
> (dpatch, cdbs, ...), and ignore the documentation files (e.g. "su" is a
> common word in spanish).
> I have no idea of the size of such grep output.
> Does anybody have another idea?

Yes, you must absolutly check all the maintainer scripts (preinst,etc)
shipped in sarge and preferably also all postrm in woody, else you take
the risk of breaking sarge to etch upgrade.

I can do it for you if you want.

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here.

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