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Uploading a perl module compiled with -O0


I'm maintaining a swig-generated perl module (libdebtags-perl, in
experimental) which when compiled with -O2 causes the perl program to
segfault on exit (some memory gets garbled and the destructors choke).
Compiled with -O0, no problems.

I've noticed that the perl policy at "4.3. Vendor Installation" wants me
to compile with -O2.  Is this segfault issue enough to have an
exception, or are there more reasons for -O2 besides performance?

If it's ok to upload with -O0, I'm now doing it like this (with CDBS):

  #!/usr/bin/make -f
  include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
  include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/perlmodule.mk
  # I need -O0 or I have a segfault on exit on all programs using TagDB
  CFLAGS=-O0 -g -Wall

Should I do 'DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS = "noopt"' instead of setting CFLAGS?


Enrico that would like to spend his time as upstream developer of
       Debtags, and has always to choke on some obscure packaging stuff

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