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Re: Bug#225465: debian-policy: packages must give choice to notstart at boot, via debconf

Stephen Gran wrote on debian-devel:
> Replying to myself, both for the archives and to save others the
> trouble.  I finally beat it through my skull about invoke-rc.d.  I had
> only put an S link in /etc/rcS.d, and no other links.  Apparently that
> is sufficient for invoke-rc.d to think it should run start on the
> script, however.  Explicitly adding a K link to every other run level
> gives the desired behavior, and still lets the admin call it as
> /etc/init.d/..

Yes.  I had more to say about this in #225465 where another fork of
this discussion took place.

You aren't the first one to have had to figure this out the hard way.
I ran into the same problem and filed #156161 which led to a long

The documentation of the init system needs improvement.  I especially
hate the following statement from init(8) which is repeated in several
other documents:

       Runlevel  S  is  not  really  meant  to  be used directly,
       but more for the scripts that are executed when entering 
       runlevel 1.

Runlevel S is actually used to run scripts at boot prior to entering any
runlevel (1 through 5).

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