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Re: DDTP problems


Em 27/12/2004, "Sam Watkins" <swatkins@fastmail.fm> escreveu:

>On Sat, Dec 25, 2004 at 08:36:48PM -0300, Daniel Mac?do Batista wrote:
>> One of these problems is present until today, and is blocking the
>> translators and reviewers to continue the work. The problem is that
>> ddtp.debian.org don't send replies to the emails from the volunteers.
>What sort of emails is the server supposed to respond to?  If this is a
>simple configuration problem surely we can sort it out.  Can you
>describe the problem in more detail?

The replies depend of the subject in the email. For example: If I send an
email to pdesc@ddtp.debian.org with subject "STATUS", the reply must
be an email with the body like this:

Stats from new db:
Descriptions:                       10692
up-to-date Descriptions:             7909
Translated Descriptions:             2672
Descriptions with one reviewer:      1590
Descriptions with two reviewers:      957
Descriptions with three reviewers:    853
Descriptions pass the review pro.:    459
Packages sent:                        157
Translated parts:                    7054
Translated pparts:                   9475
Translators:                           40
bugreports                           3278
open bugreports                      1049
old description                         2

In http://ddtp.debian.org/new/how_it_works/translators.en.html#faq-1
there is more examples.

I try a lot of subjects but don't get reply.

>> 1-) What's the relevance of the DDTP to the Debian? The work must
>> continue?
>I was not aware of the Debian Description Translation Project, but it
>sounds very much essential to make Debian accessible to people who don't
>speak English.
>> 2-) How and when the problem related by Michael Bramer ("I write some
>> mails to debian-admin (for cvs access etc.) and never get a reply")
>> can be solved?
>Perhaps several of you could write again.

Can you help us?

>To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-devel-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
>with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org

Daniel Macêdo Batista
danielmb@debian-ba.org, http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~ra030022
Mestrando em Ciência da Computação pela Unicamp
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