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DDTP problems

Hi to all,

my name is Daniel Batista and, since 10/08/2004, I'm the coordinator of
DDTP brazilian team. Since this date the server of the project,
ddtp.debian.org, began to present problems. One of these problems is
until today, and is blocking the translators and reviewers to continue the
work. The problem is that ddtp.debian.org don't send replies to the
emails from the volunteers.

I sent emails to Michael Bramer reporting the problem. He sent a reply to
me in 11/08/2004, and, in a part of the email, he wrote:

"I am disaffected with ddtp.debian.org. I write some mails to
debian-admin (for cvs access etc.) and never get a reply. Mybe I will
relocate the ddts to a own server with ddtp.debian.net as address."

I sent any other emails but he didn't reply.

After to explain the problem, I make two questions:

1-) What's the relevance of the DDTP to the Debian? The work must

2-) How and when the problem related by Michael Bramer ("I write some
mails to
debian-admin (for cvs access etc.) and never get a reply") can be solved?

I expect that anyone can reply my questions.

Best regards!

Daniel Macêdo Batista
danielmb@debian-ba.org, http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~ra030022
Mestrando em Ciência da Computação pela Unicamp
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