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Re: LCC and blobs


> 	No. Information encoded electronically, in 0's and 1,
>  usually. 

Punchcards and paper tape were used to store computer programs (see any
old mainframe). Computer programs are commonly understood to be
software. So, software can be encoded in a non-electronic form. Some
computers are mechanical rather then electronic devices and they run
programs. IMO software isn't about the encoding, but about the nature of
the information. BTW : CDs and DVDs store information using pits on a
disk. That's not an electronic encoding either, it's just read by means
of electronics.

> 	Things related to computers are either software, hardware, or
>  wetware.
> > In that case, you'd certainly agree that the information
> > stored on a punch card is software.
> 	Umm, no. Nor is stuff on a printed page that can be scanned
>  using OCR. The card is physical, I can feel it, make holes in it, and
>  it is hardware.

The card is hardware, the information stored on it can be software.

> 	When read by a card reader (or when a page is scanned in), it
>  gets an electronic representation in the machine, and then is software.

The information on the card is copied exactly into the machine, so the
information is software, even when it's on the card.


Peter (p2).

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