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Re: possible mass bug filing: spamassassin 3

On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 11:52:04AM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> If you'd be so kind as to refer to #274993, I think we have
> a problem. A number of packages (see the bug report) depend on
> spamassassin, but some are not going to work with version 3, which
> changed the API considerably. The example here is spamass-milter,
> which simply does not work.

IMHO the easiest solution is to introduce a spamassassin2 package which 
conflicts with the spamassassin package, and to have spamass-milter and 
friends depend on spamassassin2.

Actually fixing the programs to use the 3.0 API can then happen as a 
subsequent step - and if it doesn't happen by release time, we still have 
spamassassin 3 in stable...



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