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don't close bugs without an explanation!

reopen 252772
reopen 188002
reopen 260144
stop closing bugs in changelogs with no explanation!


Closing bugs in changelogs without explanation is abusing the ability
to do so. Your latest cpuid upload had this:

cpuid (3.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
  *  (closes: #252772)
  *  (closes: #188002)
  *  (closes: #260144)

A proper changelog entry might say

cpuid (3.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
  * Corrected upstream URL in copyright. (closes: #188002)
  * Add amd64 and GNU/kFreeBSD support in control file.
    (closes: #252772, #260144)

Without this, I have no way to find out - without visiting all three
bugs myself, or checking the delta between the source packages - what
happened between -2 and -3. Making descriptive changelogs makes life so
much easier for many people using and fixing bugs in/around the package.

Perhaps you should make another upload with a clearer changelog.

NB: You're also NMUing yourself, because you sign as Ramakrishnan
Muthukrishnan but the maintainer of the package is set to Ramakrishnan
M. Pick one.


Joshua Kwan

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