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Re: What your ballot should look like if you're in favor of releasing sarge

On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 03:25:12PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava scribbled:
> >> You may be comfortable with how lazy and apathetic some voters are,
> >> but do not lay the blame on other people (whine "the title was just
> >> wrong" whine "they made me not pay attention" whine "the dog ate my
> >> ballot")
> > I wanted to stay away from this "discussion", but I just have to
> > ask. What gives YOU, Manoj, the right to judge others and offend
> > them? Was there a GR to that effect or something? I think you owe
> 	When people tell me that the title I chose for the ballot was
>  "misleading", I get the right to offend them right back.
Yes, you have that right but only if you direct the offence right at them,
and not address it to enigmatic "all" or "them" - this is unacceptable,
especially from a person who is wearing an authority hat.

>   Mislead \Mis*lead"\ (m[i^]s*l[=e]d"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
>      {Misled} (m[i^]s*l[e^]d"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Misleading}.]
>      [AS. misl[=ae]dan. See {Mis-}, and {Lead} to conduct.]
>      To lead into a wrong way or path; to lead astray; to guide
>      into error; to cause to mistake; to deceive.
>      [1913 Webster]
> 	And how else would you characterize people who ignore a
>  message sent to them thrice that showed exactly what was being
>  proposed to be new SC, and then turn around an whine that they did
>  not know what the changes proposed were, and that the title
>  selected by the secretary was deceiving?
Again, call them whatever you want, but name them - do not put everybody in
the same bag. Offend Joe Doe, so he can fight back - contrary to beliefs of
some, people are not cattle and should not be treated as such.

> > Was there a GR to that effect or something? 
> 	Unlike some, I can think on my own; I do not need a GR or aj
>  to tell me how to proceed or what I should do.
Sure, but keep in mind that others can think on their own too.

> > I think you owe those who you're offending. and your enigmatic
> > "they" can apply to every one of us (and yes, I voted already) so
> > you better contend yourself and watch your mouth, ok?
> 	Heh. And now you are the official mouth-watcher, eh? Shut the
No, I'm not. But I'm not calling ALL DDs idiots, lazy bums and whatnot. 
I called names, I offended people, but I have always directed that at a 
concrete person (I once even sent a private mail to John Goerzen full of
invectives, which I'm not necessarily proud of now :>). Again, I'm not 
saying you cannot use offensive words, call names etc. - you can do it 
all the time and as often as you want, but do not ever offend everybody 
without exceptions. If you do that, you don't deserve to be part of any 
community (which I'm sure isn't true).

>  fuck up. How's that?
Wipe the foam off your face, sit back and read again what I wrote, ok? At
least now you directed the 'shut the fuck up' at a concrete person, who can
say - shut the fuck up yourself and get a grip, dude. Got the concept now?

> > If somebody resorts to calling names and and offence, it means that
> > person doesn't really have other arguments to support their stance.
> 	*Shrug*. How you take my opinions is entirely up to you. But
See, that attitude means you don't give a flying fuck about communication.
What you wrote, shows that you want to get your point across, and that is
it. The point of expressing one's views should be to communicate them to
others and get some feedback. But if that's not your point, then you've
just taken the 'my way or the highway' stance which you so actively opposed.
So, was everything you wrote a monologue or conversation/discussion?

>  I am not going to take the label of the universal deciever lying
>  down.
In the previous sentence you've stated you don't care about my (our) opinion
about your views. Now you're saying that you do care about how people
perceive you. How about some consistence? Maybe just relax, sleep over
the thread and get back tomorrow, eh? Again, if you resort to calling names
and offence, then that doesn't make you nor your opinions very credible -
and it doesn't clear your name from the deceiver label for sure (if any such
label was given to you, of course).


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