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Re: firmware is just data. we need to decide our rules for data.

@ 16/04/2004 00:53 : wrote Anthony Towns :

We serve our users best by doing two things: the first is making it as
easy as possible for them to get at anything they need from an operating
system, however free it is or isn't; the second is making it easy for
them to choose the level of freeness they want, and to respect that
choice once it's been made -- whether that means people want to get
at nothing that's not 100% DFSG-free, whether it means they're okay
with GFDL'ed docs, little blobs of unmodifiable binary-only firmware,
non-profit only programs, or whatever. My belief is that as we start
taking a stricter interpretation of what can go in main post-sarge,
we'll also need to start providing better mechanisms for people to choose what
bits of non-free are suitable in their moral universe.
You know, this one is a point of view that I understand and respect; it even changes my mind relating to all this "evil firmware from hell" stuff. Maybe something in the line of the deb http://www.non-free.org/debian sarge-plus-one gfdl bin-firmware firmware-from-win-drivers-downloaders sun-java ???
Now, this would be really practical and pragmatic. Mmmm.


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