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Re: Proposal: /etc/friendlynames

On Sun, Mar 28, 2004 at 06:25:10PM +0100, Scott James Remnant wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 23:41, Number Six wrote:
> > Proposal, additions to Policy and changes to dpkg:
> > 
> > (3) Add /etc/friendlynames and update-friendlynames to dpkg, which
> >     works similar to /etc/alternatives except applications sharing
> >     names are not expected to provide similar functionality or
> >     accept identical arguments.
> > 
> If this is identical to alternatives in functionality, and it sounds
> like it is, then that's how it should be implemented.

Yeah.  Since no package should install a binary with a generic name 
(such as pim, viewpdf, or display, word-processor, or spreadsheet) as 
some have agreed, *if* one desires to have such names available on the 
entire system one can use update-alternatives, or one can use shell 
aliases.  The key to making this work is verifying no package installs 
such a generically named binary, thus the suggestion for adding such to 

It's probably not a big huge deal, that requires policy, as long as 
thoughtful people keep binaries named viewpdf and display out of the 
system.  And, as I said, I really hope no one ever installs a "pim", 
because this is a FriendlyName *I* want.

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