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Re: Mailing lists

On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 05:52:25PM +0100, Mathieu Roy wrote:
> Nobody asked to trash their work on buildd but
> questioned the power they have on buildd.

Thats not really true either.  They have done remarkable work with
buildd and they should really continue to do so, i think all devs 
agree on that.

But let me allow an comparison.  buildd should be done by a small team,
just like almost any larger company does.  Someone has to lead the team.
Yet, his task is not to reject people just because he fears the
responsibility over people and prefers to do all the techie work for
himself; it should be to choose people based on their trustedness, on
their work and their attitude.

This brings me back to the NM Process: The core of the NM Process should
be reduced to P&P.  After that, any applicant should be able to complete
other Tasksets, for example, the old T&S, a taskset for maintaining
debian websites, a taskset to get involved into buildd, one to get
involved in d-i, etc.  After you completed such a taskset, youll get the
permissions to handle these Tasks.  Of course, this should not only be
reduced to some theoretical Q&A, but the decision should also be made on
practical efforts done.

And never forget - doing a task is an issue of trust.  Not only of the
Leader of the Team to his helping Hands.  But the helping Hands also
have to trust the leader.

I see a lot of mis-trust between DDs and what has been called[1] the
triangle of debian.  This is making me ponder wether i -as user- can put
trust in debian as the linux-distribution of my choice.

[1] Phrase from IRC, mentioned earlier the day.  Yes, i know.  TINC.

Rico -mc- Gloeckner | 1024D/61F05B8C |     jabber:mc@micq.org
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