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Re: obvious packages missing from debian?

On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 06:00:11PM -0800, "Edward S. Peschko" <esp5@pge.com> was heard to say:
> I've been working a bit more with debian a bit more, and am noticing a few 
> discrepancies in the package lists.
> For example: libiconv. Nowhere in main or contrib, nor in packages for 1386. 

  iconv is part of libc, isn't it?

> Also, not all binary packages have sources associated with them.

  Can you provide examples?


/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <dburrows@debian.org> -------------------\
|          Somewhere, just out of sight, the unicorns are gathering.          |
\-Evil Overlord, Inc: planning your future today. http://www.eviloverlord.com-/

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