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Re: Bug#224742 acknowledged by developer (Re: Bug#224742: Related to this issue...)

On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 04:02:07PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:

> Do you find the "Essential: yes" flag unreasonable too?

No, because it talks about a quality.  Something as "the way of testing
if that profile is valid" is not about a quality, but more like an
imperative command.

Do you think that in C having the construct "break;" illegal and
requiring to use "break yes;" or "break please;" instead would be

For the records (as I have seen people saying that), the main reason I
kept reopening the bug was not to force you on anything, but because I
was doubting you were understanding at all why I was asking for that.

Instead of getting any clues that you was getting what I was asking, I
was getting the bug continuously closed in my face.  With threatens.

I find it reasonable to ask a maintainer to at least understand what a
wish is about before closing it, and that's why I acted as I did.  

 From your alternative proposal I was instead pretty sure we weren't
talking about the same thing.  I tried to explain you, and I'm sorry you
didn't like the style (and I welcome you to be a non-native English
speaker and cope with people treating you as a stupid on busy days), but
the contents are there.



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