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3 packages for adoption

Hi there,

I would like to give three of my packages for adoption:


This is a useful program if you work with files using the ASN.1 syntax,
eg. X.509 cerificates. I needed this in my previous job, but not any

Upstream is responsive, no bugs.


This is a sort of proxy. It listen on some configrable port, and
forwards net traffic to another arbitrary server and, and prints
all the information goinf back and forth.

I thought it was useful, when I packaged it, but in reality I
use ethereal.

I will orphan this in two week, if noone else wants it.

One wishlist bug, for a new version.

Upstream is very responsive.


This is (very) useful if you want to test your RAM, but want
the box to keep running, eg. if it's an important server and
you are not sure if it does strange things because of RAM failures
or other reasons.

I will keep this if noone wants it, because I sometimes use it.

Two bugs, one of them specific to large memory systems, the other
contains a patch. Shame on me...

For more nformation start at my QA page:


 : :' :    Oliver Kurth oku@debian.org
 `. `'           Debian GNU/Linux maintainer - www.debian.org
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