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Re: Unclosed ITP (#208508) ?


Bartosz Fe?ski aka fEnIo wrote:
> > > Bugreport has got tag 'fixed' right now.
> > 
> > This is because the sponsor did it wrong (or the maintainer did it
> > wrong), katie thought it was an NMU and tagged the bug fixed instead of
> > closing it...
> Thanks for quick response. What can I do right now? I am not Debian
> developer yet. Scott James Remnant sponsored this package for me.
> He ask me to add the following lines to debian/control file:
> Maintainer: Bartosz Fe?ski <keybuk-sponsoring-fenio@debian.org>
> Uploaders: Scott James Remnant <scott@netsplit.com>, Bartosz Fe?ski <fenio@o2.pl>
> And after that he uploaded it. Hmm... should I contact him or try
> to manually close this bugreport?

Hmm. I wonder why a Sponsor puts himself in as a co-maintainer...
Anyhow, there was _something_ messed up. I don't know what and who did

> And how katie was able to think about it as an NMU when there was no such
> entry in changelog?

The changelogs entries are irrelevant for this... (IIRC)


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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