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Re: C++ transition stumbling blocks?

On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 11:25:43PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:

 > ...and now it's in queue/new on auric.  (Needs overrides for the new
 > Mesa GL/GLU split packages.)

 I was going to make a proposal regarding this (how to handle the libgl1
 virtual package), but I wanted to think it over...

 Situation is this:

    * All the libGL implementations that we ship are C libraries

    * Some of the libGLU implementations are libraries with C
      interfaces, but implemented in C++

    * The libgl1 package provides two libraries: libGL and libGLU

    * The mesa source package produces _three_ binary packages that
      provide libGL, all of them use the same libGLU

    * Some time ago I splitted libGLU off the mesa packages because it
      really makes more sense so.  All the binary packages depend on the
      new libglu1 package in order to satisfy the virtual package
      requirements.  The reason for this is that in the future there are
      going to be _more_ mesa packages (at least one more).

    * I would like to make all these libGL packages parallel installable;
      splitting libGLU to its own package makes things simpler.  I'd
      very much like to have the posibility to switch over to the
      software rasterizer without much fuss.

    * The NVIDIA libGL packages don't provide libGLU because NVIDIA
      doesn't provide libGLU (which is ok).  As a consequence, the
      NVIDIA libGL packages play silly games with diversions -- in order
      to satisfy the requirements of the libgl1 package.  With a
      separate libGLU package the NVIDIA packages can depend on this and
      provide libgl1 like all the other libGL packages which in turn
      means I can stop special-casing it.

    * For some reason the libglu1 package doesn't depend on
      libstdc++whatever; I have to take a look at this.  With the old
      package compiled with g++ 2.95.x this is ok, the library doesn't
      have unresolved symbols which can be satisfied by
      libstdc++whatever.  With the new package (libglu1c102) the library
      _does_ have some C++-related unresolved symbols:

$ readelf -s libGLU.so.1.3.500 | grep UND | grep -v 'UND gl' | grep -v GLIBC
     0: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND 
    54: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _Znaj
    58: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND sqrt
   216: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND ceil
   234: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND floor
   459: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_c
   469: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _ZdlPv
   560: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND __gxx_personality_v0
   641: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _Unwind_Resume
   715: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND __cxa_pure_virtual
   857: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__clas
   922: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _ZdaPv
  1048: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_
  1207: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _Znwj
  1350: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND _Jv_RegisterClasses
  1410: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT  UND __gmon_start__


 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: [libGL.so.1]
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: [libc.so.6]

      libm.so.6 is missing obviously (I'll fix this) and the weird
      looking symbols are nothing but:

00000000      D  *UND*  00000000              operator new[](unsigned)
00000000      D  *UND*  00000000              vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info
00000000      D  *UND*  00000000              operator delete(void*)
00000000      D  *UND*  00000000              __gxx_personality_v0
00000000      D  *UND*  00000000              _Unwind_Resume
00000000      D  *UND*  00000000              __cxa_pure_virtual
00000000      D  *UND*  00000000              vtable for __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info
00000000      D  *UND*  00000000              operator delete[](void*)
00000000      D  *UND*  00000000              vtable for __cxxabiv1::__vmi_class_type_info
00000000      D  *UND*  00000000              operator new(unsigned)
00000000  w   D  *UND*  00000000              _Jv_RegisterClasses
00000000  w   D  *UND*  00000000              __gmon_start__

      if I can get this out of the picture, we could just ignore the
      whole transition bussiness _in_this_particular_case_ -- which I'd
      very much like to (mostly because we'd be recompiling a lot of
      stuff because of a little implementation detail).  Any clues how
      to accomplish that? (Or what the not-so-obvious names are in the
      previous table are?)

      Ah, yes, the library is being linked like this:

$ /bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link g++  -g -O2  -o libGLU.la -rpath /usr/local/lib -version-info 4:500:3 -L../src dummy.lo -lGL     libnurbs/interface/libNIFac.la libnurbs/internals/libNInt.la    libnurbs/nurbtess/libNTess.la   libtess/libtess.la      libutil/libutil.la 


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