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Re: Done

On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 01:24:11PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 10:37:48 -0500, Steve Langasek <vorlon@netexpress.net> said: 

> > There is a distinct difference between recognizing what is missing
> > from a description, and being able to fill in the gap.  The two acts
> > are complementary.  What helps maintainers is to understand what the
> > questions *are* that users are going to ask about their package
> > description.  It's hard to know what questions are going to be asked
> > when you already know the answer yourself; this is not something
> > that can be changed through expressions of disdain.

> 	How about these criteria?
>  a) What does the package do? If it is an add-on to another package,
>     then the short description of the package we are an add on to
>     should be put in here
>  b) Why should I want this package?  This is related  to the above,
>     but not the same (this is a mail user agent; this is cool, fast,
>     interfaces with pgp and ldap and imap, has features X, Y, and Z)
>  c) If this package should not be installed directly, but is pulled in
>     by another package, this should be mentioned
>  d) If the package is experimental, or there are other reasons it
>     should not be used, if there are other packages that should be
>     used instead, it should be here as well
>  e) How is this package different from the competition? Is it a better
>     implementation? more features? different features? Why should I
>     chose this package (b should talk about the class of packages, and
>     e about this particular package, if you have both b and e related
>     information).
>  f) ???

These seem like very reasonable and helpful criteria.  Perhaps they
could be placed somewhere (developer's reference, policy footnote?)
where they'll be generally visible to maintainers?

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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