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Re: Having more than one key in the Debian keyring

On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 12:21:52PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> In the next few weeks, I will replace my GPG key with a new one. Since
> I suspect that the time it takes for a key to be exchanged in the key
> ring needs to be measured in weeks or months[1], I would like to
> submit the new key and to retract the old key once the new key has
> made it into the Debian key ring.
Why are you replacing your key? Why can't you just add a subkey, or
another uid to your existing key? Alternatively, why can't you just
revuid or revkey the (uid/subkey)?

Kyle McMartin <kyle@debian.org>
0x191FCD8A - 331A 9468 C04D 3A76 5C56  BA68 7EB7 92DF 191F CD8A [DSA]

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