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Re: multiarchitecture binaries - technical obstacles?

I demand that Michael Banck may or may not have written...

> On Mon, Apr 14, 2003 at 02:00:33PM -0700, Elladan wrote:
>> Couldn't this be done more easily just by having the debian packages be
>> multi-arch bundles where an executable for each platform is included?

> And that would solve/help what exactly? *I* don't have a s/390 at home to
> produce such packages. And I'm sure people don't want to wait for all
> buildds even for unstable...

Not to mention download times. Here I am, stuck with a 56K modem...

| Darren Salt   | nr. Ashington, | linux (or ds) at
| woody, sarge, | Northumberland | youmustbejoking
| RISC OS       | Toon Army      | demon co uk
|   Retrocomputing: a PC card in a Risc PC

And now, excuse me while I interrupt myself.

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