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Re: Why hexcat?


> > What is the purpose of this package? What can this utility do what
> > hexdump from bsdmainutils can't already?
> Heh, see also hextype (which I maintain).  Its reasons for existing
> are that the corresponding hexdump invocation would fill a whole
> line, and that hextype is about ten times faster.  I don't know
> how hexcat compares.

The reason why I wrote hexcat was that hextype and od, etc. couldn't dump
the files the way I wanted it: i.e. 4-byte columns with 16-byte ascii
display on the side (The closest was hexdump -C, but still not what I want
and as Richard mention, hexdump is not the fastest around - not sure about od).
If you frequently dump binary images and search for strings you come to
appreciate the small things.



Never trust an automatic pistol or a D.A.'s deal.
		-- John Dillinger

 Abraham vd Merwe [ZR1BBQ] - The Debian Project
 P.O. Box 3472, Matieland, Stellenbosch, 7602
 Cell: +27 82 565 4451 Email: abz@debian.org
 Http: http://people.debian.org/~abz/

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