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[mechanix@debian.org: Bug#169709: idesk: could use a better description]


anyone can agree that this is a little bit more clearer?


Description: Display program shortcuts as icons on desktop
 With idesk you can define shortcut's for several programs
 and display these icons with a short description on the
 desktop of any window manager.
 It can use png images as icon source (including transparent
 support) and support antialised fonts to print the description.


Thanks for you help...

----- Forwarded message from Filip Van Raemdonck <mechanix@debian.org> -----

The current description doesn't fullfill it's purpose.

> idesk plops icons down on your root window (desktop).

`Plops'? What's that?
And wearing my dummy desktop user hat, WTF is a root window?

> It includes support for PNG alpha layers, and pretty antialiased text
> with Xft

Same hat; what are alpha layers and Xft?
I'd rather just talk about translucent [1] icons and pretty antialiased [2]
text without mentioning PNG alpha layers or Xft.
Also, this sentence needs a . at the end, and it could be separated from the
previous one (although that isn't strictly necessary).

Now, I've read the entire description, and either as a dummy or non-dummy
user I still don't know what I can do with the icons. Are they:
- some sort of shortcuts?
- actual files and directories?
- both?
- icons for minimized applications, as in the iconbox of some motif based



[1] Assuming that's what it does; if it only means that the icons can have
    completely transparant parts that's hardly a feature, and I'd rather
    consider it a misfeature of any icon using app which doesn't do that.

[2] It's debatable if a dummy user knows what antialiased text is, but it is
    good enough a feature to mention it even if only for more experienced
    computer users.

----- End forwarded message -----


Thorsten Sauter

				(Is there life after /sbin/halt -p?)

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