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Re: Are we losing users to Gentoo?

Mark Mealman wrote:

> But Debian's bleeding edge really tends to lag. What's KDE up to on 
> testing, version 2.2? Mozilla is 1.0? Java's at 1.1?

I'm missing something here... what does the term "bleeding edge" have to
do with testing? Unstable + experimental + packages downloaded from
developers' web pages (many of which are apt-gettable) is the "bleeding
edge" of Debian. Testing isn't even close.

> It takes a lot of time 
> for developers to gather the sources, compile binaries across all of 
> Debian's supported platforms and make sure they play nice with other 
> packages.

True, but are you suggesting that Gentoo is "better" because they don't
bother making sure that things play nice with each other? I think that's
one of Debian's strongest points.

> And then there's the political BS that's been with the Debian scene since, 
> well, about forever. I really don't miss  that or the occasional elitest 
> attitude that crops up.

Give them time; it'll come.


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