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Re: Are we losing users to Gentoo?

On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Glenn McGrath wrote:

> > So, who is right? What about some facts to back your inflammatory
> > statement?
> Gentoo's growth is a sign that they are doing something right, if we cant
> even recognise that fact then its pointless continuing this conversation.

Bollocks.  Their speedy growth could just as easily (in fact, it's far more
likely) through hype and being "ther cool new thing".  Yeah, they've got
some interesting ideas, but honestly I think knoppix has more long-term
oomph than Gentoo for the average user (and I'm including admin-type users
in that, not just the Windows-convert class of "average user").

Matthew Palmer, Debian Developer
mpalmer@debian.org     http://www.debian.org

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