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Re: Discussion - non-free software removal

On Wednesday 13 November 2002 08:56 pm, Branden Robinson wrote:

> Perhaps he conceives of the possibility that Debian's promotion of
> non-free software through our distribution of it retards the progress of
> Free Software, thus working against it as our Social Contract implies
> will not.

* (Dons asbestos suit, it's getting hairy in here)

(Again, IANADD, just a happy user)

May I make a suggestion from the perspective of a someone who is currently 
using non-free but would be very happy indeed with an all-Free distribution 
if it could do all the same things ?

If the intention of the proposed GR, or at least part of the intention, is to 
promote "the progress of Free Software" then I would suggest that it would be 
more effective if it stated that non-free would be dropped at some 
clearly-defined and not too close point in the future (6 months from now, 1 
year from now, next release, whatever...).

This would give three things:

(i) Time to set up whatever infrastructure is needed to support the remaining 
non-free packages.

(ii) Time for the people who use non-free packages to prepare for the change

(iii) A strong incentive for the people using/wanting the functionality of 
non-free to "put up or shut up" and do what needs to be done to provide Free 
alternatives. Deadlines focus the mind, as they say.

Personally, the only non-free package that is essential to me is graphviz. Any 
other graphviz users out there want to talk off-list about finding / tweaking 
/ making a replacement ?

- Derek

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