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In article <[🔎] Pine.LNX.4.10.10210231145310.13186-100000@linux.localnet.loc> 
roche@httrack.com writes:
>It depends ; for example bl.spamcop.net and relays.ordb.org are two good
>complementary block lists, and are refreshed in realtime
>Most spam I receive is blocked by these two dns ; and false positives are
>extremely rare.

I find bl.spamcop.net useless, both too many false positives and too
few true negatives.  (This is based on spam_complaints_from_many_sites
/ mail_received_by_a_few_sites.  The few sites are not a good sample,
and large spewers like aol and yahoo don't get listed.)

relays.osirusoft.com includes SPEWS.  murphy.debian.org (where the
debian mailing lists come from) was in SPEWS for a few days.  (I
turned off my use of relays.osirusoft.com for a while then.)

ordb.org has a good list of open relays.

block.blars.org is basicly a list of places that have spammed me.  Since
I am willing to list yahoo, aol, and earthlink it's not for everyone.

Blars Blarson			blarson@blars.org
"Text is a way we cheat time." -- Patrick Nielsen Hayden

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