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Re: Request for packager: OpenOffice.org Quickstarter

Andrew McMillan wrote:

> > I have to think about this once again. What's your opinion on that?

> I think it should go in there.  Just because OOo isn't there - it works
> with that, or Star Office 5.2 or 6 and people will be using all of those
> too.

> The reason for OOo not being in Debian yet are more to do with the
> complexities of packaging a monster like that.

Of course. But from the policy:

>Every package in main and non-US/main must comply with the DFSG
>(Debian Free Software Guidelines).
>In addition, the packages in main
>* must not require a package outside of main for compilation or
>  execution (thus, the package must not declare a "Depends",
>  "Recommends", or "Build-Depends" relationship on a non-main
>  package),

Ok. So we're only allowed to use a "Suggests". Quoting from the

>This is used to declare that one package may be more useful with one
>or more others. Using this field tells the packaging system and the
>user that the listed packages are related to this one and can perhaps
>enhance its usefulness, but that installing this one without them is
>perfectly reasonable.

Hmm. How reasonable is it to install ooqstart without openoffice.org?

I would like to get my package into debian, and I also don't think
that ooqstart would hurt anyone if it got in.

But my reading of the policy is that it would have to recommend
openoffice.org (which isn't in debian yet) and thus go into contrib if
uploaded now. Not to mention openoffice in the dependencies at all
would also be an argument to put ooqstart into contrib - as it is only
really usefull if you have staroffice or openoffice installed, which
both aren't in debian at the moment.

I'll CC this to debian-devel to get more opinions.

regards, Stefan

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