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Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material

>>"Warren" == Warren Stramiello <warren@stramiello.net> writes:

 Warren> *Does* the library have the right to censor books it finds
 Warren> filthy or inappropriate? I was under the impression they do
 Warren> indeed have that power... at the very least, I don't recall
 Warren> the last time the library near me carried the latest issue of
 Warren> penthouse...

	Hmm. Public libraries _do_ have to pander to the4 first
 amendment, down where _I_ live.

 Warren> Trying to stir up passions by comparing snipping racist
 Warren> remarks from source to the image of a torch-waving book
 Warren> burning (and the implicit link to nazism) doesn't strike me
 Warren> as a good analogy... the request that the racist material be
 Warren> snipped, or that it be shot off into a -offensive package (a
 Warren> la fortune) is several steps removed from demanding that the
 Warren> author's package be srm'd, following by the shredding of any
 Warren> drive platters it's touched...

	Ok. I find all vi packages to be an offense to my
 sensibilities. I also find the bible, the display-dhamapada, and any
 packages with a reference to beef offensivce. I find references to
 Jesus, Vishnu, and Mohammed offensive (please feel free to add icons
 of other religions I may have missed). 

	I also find python offensive. I am not sure about ruby yet.

 Warren> I may be way off base, but I think it's fair to file a bug
 Warren> request pointing out the offensive nature of the racist
 Warren> material in the package, asking that it be considered for
 Warren> splitting into -normal and -offensive... what the maintainer
 Warren> chooses to do is his own decision, though, and I don't think
 Warren> anything short of a resolution of some sort could force the
 Warren> change upon it (but I would have to look up the rules before
 Warren> I say for certain what can and cannot be forced).

	Heh. Please prepare for a mass bug filing, then.

 "Is it just me, or does there seem to be an inordinate number of
 lurkers whose heads are imploding lately?  Maybe all these
 alternative viewpoints are too much for them to handle." Trent
 Wohlschlaeger (jtw@wuee1.wustl.edu)
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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