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Re: Debian joining OASIS?

On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 02:35:13PM -0500, Norman Walsh wrote:
> DocBook is a good example of an OASIS Standard (IMHO) but a quick
> survey of the TC landscape shows there's a lot more breadth than just
> documentation hackery. There's a lot of electronic commerce stuff
> (ebXML, UBL, etc.), some Topic Maps stuff, some Web Services stuff and
> even more vertical stuff. Mostly more vertical things than horizontal
> things, but that's a very rough characterization.


> Right. So there are two clear distinctions:
> 1. If Debian joins (as an organization) all of the members of Debian
> get in and can join any TC they want, create TCs, etc. Otherwise, each
> individual has to pony up their own $250 individual membership.
> 2. At the committee level, there's no difference between individual
> members and organizational members. If Mark joins as an individual, he
> gets the same rights within the DocBook TC as everyone else on the TC.
> But when it comes time to advance a Committee Specification to an
> OASIS Standard, only member organizations, not individual members, get
> to vote. If more than 10% vote no (or less than 10% vote yes), the
> specification does not become a Standard.
> So, Debian as an organization would have more clout. Is that clout
> worth $1000? I really don't know.

Dumb question: What is a TC?

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