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Re: Debian joining OASIS?

On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 08:15:42PM +0000, Martin WHEELER wrote:
> Anyone care to comment?  (Personally, I'm in favour of the idea.  But
> I'm not a developer -- pity there isn't such a thing as a 'documentation
> developer'.)

Pity you didn't have a look at the obvious place:


   There are several things, other than package maintenance, you can
   contribute to in Debian.  Testing and reporting/fixing bugs is great
   help to us, along with helping in writing good documentation, or
   doing web maintenance, translation (i18n & l10n), publicity, legal
   support... our quality assurance web page lists several possible ways
   to help.



Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a peeing
section in a pool.

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