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Re: should a postinst script create config files?

On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 11:52:09AM +0100, Maik Busch wrote:
> I allways answer No for new conffiles. Then dpkg installes a 
> conffile.dpkg-dist file. The changes I made for the old conffile are
> saved in a file generated with 'diff -u conffile.dpkg-dist conffile'. 
> That patch I try to apply to the new dpkg-dist file. Then I make a new
> diff and save it for the next update.
> If I make a change in conffile a cron job daily reports me that there is
> a change but no existing diff for that.
> To support that I have written /etc/cron.daily/patchdb and 
> /usr/local/sbin/patchdb-checkin. It is appended to that mail. Some 
> comments are in german - sorry - but the scripts are not so big. The 
> generated output is in english.

So essientially you do, what I believe is called a three way merge
operation. Do you have many problems with conflicts?

Hmmm. What dpkg really needs is a user defined script that runs when
installing a conffile (whether different or not).

That way system adminstrators can decide what happens, eg:

1. current behavour, with option to edit file.

2. use three way merge:
   1) diff conffile.dpkg-dist conffile.
   2) install new conffile as conffile.
   3) apply patch to conffile (assuming differences exist).
   4) save copy of installed conffile to conffile.dpkg-dist.
   5) allow adminstrator to fix up any conflicts.

or would this be better (don't know)?

3. use three way merge:
   1) diff conffile.dpkg-dist $newconffile
   2) apply patch to conffile (assuming differences exist).
   3) save copy of installed conffile to conffile.dpkg-dist.
   4) allow adminstrator to fix up any conflicts.

One applies the debian patch to your copy, the other applies your patch
to the debian copy.

How does ucf work?

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