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Re: ITP?: perl Mcrypt module

On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 01:43:11AM -0500, utsl@quic.net wrote:
> I'm thinking of uploading a Perl module I have packaged that provides a binding
> for libmcrypt. There is no actual encryption code in the module, just an
> interface that is dynamically linked to libmcrypt.
> So I'm wondering:
> 1. Would this be required to be non-US? (I think it probably is, because it
> depends on libmcrypt.)

You are perfectly right. It has to be since it depends in a non-US package.

> 2. Is it export controlled from the US? It doesn't seem like it is to me, given
> that there is no actual encryption code in the module, either in the source,
> or the binary.

Not too good at US law to tell you, sorry.


// Ola

> The package can be found here:
> http://www.omniti.com/~jesus/projects/
> -- 
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