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Re: pcmcia-modules in woody

Package: developers-reference

Brian Mays wrote:
> Hmm ... Well, I was aware of how frozen worked, but testing is not
> well documented.  At least, it is not well documented on my system.
> An explanation of what comprises "testing" appears in a couple of
> places, but an explanation of how it works is lacking.  A search I
> performed using "zgrep -i -n -e testing /usr/share/doc/debian*/*
> /usr/share/doc/debian*/*/*" turned up exactly one sentence about how
> "testing" works, and that sentence had very few details.
> How am I suppose to learn about these changes in the way things are done
> if they are not documented?

Yes, documentation is very lacking. That's no excuse for remaining
igronant though. Anyone who has read debian-devel-announce and asked
some questions should be able to understand testing at this point.

The developer's reference should certianly have a section all its own
about testing, that would include a thorough overview about what is
required for a package to get into testing (availablity on all
architectures for which is has previously been built, fewer RC bugs than
the version in testing, doesn't break the deps of anything else already
in testing. It should point out a few of the current problems, like the
way testing sometimes has to be forced to let a set of interdependant
packages in by hand. It should certianly include a pointer to the
update-excuses and related files, and a description of how to read them.
Perhaps it should link to or include Jules Bean's testing FAQ
(http://people.debian.org/~jules/testingfaq.html), which covers most of
this. It would be helpful for it to mention that there exist automated
tools like grep-excuses that can be cronned to give you a daily review
of which of your packages arn't in testing.

see shy jo

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