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Re: [WARNING] Some notes on the upcoming glibc to unstable

On Mon, 29 Jul 2002, Ben Collins wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 07:20:54PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > Ben Collins wrote:
> > > The next upload of glibc for unstable will have a drastic change.  The
> > > minimum kernel supported will be bumped up to 2.2.0.  This means if you
> > > have a 2.0.X kernel running unstable; STAY WITH WOODY.
> >
> > Are you going to place a test into the preinst to make it fail if it
> > detects a kernel prior to 2.2.0?  (like 2.1.* or 2.0.* for example)
> I can do that. I had a similar test for sparc/glibc a long time back
> because on sun4m, it required a 2.2.8+ kernel. This would be one of
> those times where it would be nice to have system dynamic virtual
> provides (like an auto "Provides: system:linux-kernel (= 2.4.8)")

Wichert and I have plans to support things like this.  When dpkg starts, it
would read in a file(or the output of some program), to prepopulate a list of
virtual provides.

But, we have only discussed it.

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