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Re: suggestion: bts pseudo-package for sponsorship

Le Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 01:00:39PM +0900, Junichi Uekawa écrivait:
> Matt Hope <dopey@debian.org> immo vero scripsit:
> > currently, people wishing for sponsorship usually just beg on
> > debian-mentors, or bug people on IRC.
> Or, use something like:
> http://www.internatif.org/bortzmeyer/debian/sponsor/

But this cgi is not always really adapted (i wrote it)... I like the BTS
entry idea, and I'd be happy to change the system. That way it would be
integrated in Debian, it would keep a log, the data can be updated by
sending a mail (no update is possible with the cgi).

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/
Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com

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