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Re: Letting google index the BTS?

Adam Heath (2002-05-30 11:17:16 -0500) :

> Also, I've considered implementing a cache.  By this, I mean when
> pkgrepot.cgi/bugreport.cgi generate html, they would save it
> somewhere.  Then, when a new request comes in, some timestamp
> comparison would be done, and it would serve the saved static page,
> if nothing had been updated.
> The above is made complex because of helper files like Maintainers
> and Sources.

Sounds like a job for Make.  You'll end up with a rather large
Makefile (or lots of small ones including each other), but it's
doable.  I investigated that solution for a large website I have to
maintain at work (would have involved some 200k files), and found no
problems with it (even if it's not the solutionthat was eventually

Roland Mas

A man walks into a bar.

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