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Re: Wishlist for woody+1

On Sat, 25 May 2002 16:33:39 +0200, Erich Schubert
<erich.schubert@mucl.de> wrote:
>- Tags (former Keywords)
>- UTF-8 for debconf templates, changelogs etc.
>- init reworking (support for alternative inits)
>- package pages
>- split the archive (should allow partial releases etc.)
>- diff's for packages (well, there's apt-pupdate ;)
>- raphaels suggestion about distributions (working dist etc.)
>Please send me some feedback, and additions to this list.

Not necessarily for woody+1, but I'd like to see the following
features somewhere in the future:

- support for kernel capabilities, with the important network daemon's
packages (bind, MTA, POP/IMAP servers etc) actually using them.
- the possibility to exclude some subtrees (/usr/share/doc,
/usr/share/man) from being installed on a system
- a dpkg-source program that allows multiple patch files to be used on
an upstream source, making locally patched packages easier.
- apt actually checking a package's signature, given a keyring
containing keys of maintainers whose packages are to be accepted
(being the Debian keyring by default, but being locally modifyable).
- The packaging system being able to allow a nightly, non-interactive,
cronjobbed apt-get dist-upgrade. This means universal debconf, and
modifications in dpkg's conffile handling.


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Marc Haber          |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
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