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Re: Editor Priorities


At 8 May 2002 17:12:30 -0000,
m@moshez.org wrote:

> * Supports undo/redo +20 XXX
> * Supports pausing using ^Z +20
> * Can start typing without reading a manual +30 XXX
> * Start-up time not noticeable +30
> * Not free -200 [changed from -50] XXX
> * Reads a global RC file +20 XXX
> * Built-in on line help +30 XXX
>   * Baloon help +0
>   * Easy to locate menu and help"
> * Can follow hypertext links +0
> * Can assist the user with templates ands contect sensitive prompts +5
> * Syntax highlighting +2
> * Ability to run a command on a range of lines +0
> * Ability to work with rectangular regions in a text file +2
> * Ability to edit right-to-left (Arabic, Hebrew) +0
> * Ability to edit unicode +0
> * Ability to use split windows +0
> * Folding, narrowing, and ouline modes +1 each
> * Being able to open multiple files +10
> * Built in spell checks +10 XXX
> * Ability to read/write files over network protocols +10
>   * Each protocol supported +1
> * Autocompletion +5
>   * Configurable +0
>   * Adaptive +0
> * Search and replace +10 XXX
>   * RE search and replace +5
>   * Ability to visit file/line numbers for grep/egrep/find+egrep matches +0
> * Does not wrap lines per default +0
> * Is a vi clone +0

 * Ability to edit popular multibyte encodings +20
 * Ability to edit combining characters +10
 * Ability to edit bidi +20
 * Ability to edit Indic complex scripts +10
 * Ability to change encoding (8bit/multibyte/unicode/...)
   according to LANG variable (strictly speaking, LC_CTYPE locale) +30
 * Ability to edit UTF-8 encoding +5

Note that multibyte support is *mandatory* (i.e., editors without
it is completely useless) for more than 1/6 of the world's population
(i.e., CJK), though many *preference* or *convenience* terms (i.e.,
they improves usability, though usable without them) seem to appear
in the above list.  IMHO, *mandatory* terms should have more scores
than *convenience* terms.

Also, bidi is needed for more than 1/6 of the world's population
(i.e., Arab and Hebrew).

Combining characters is a *convenient* term for European languages,
but *mandatory* for Thai.  Since Thai population is much less than
CJK or bidi, I suggest to give relatively less score.

Indic scripts will benefit 800,000,000 people in India.  Since Indian
people also use English, I gave relatively less score.

Since all softwares on POSIX system must obey locale (and softwares
which don't obey locale should be regarded as *buggy*), LC_CTYPE
sensibility should have large score.

Since UTF-8 is the future encoding and most of common people don't
require it yet, UTF-8 (Unicode) ability should have a little score.

Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota@debian.org>
"Introduction to I18N"  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/intro-i18n/

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